File1, 2, & 3 for mishak:
Today everybody have Smartphone on his/her hand. It is uses as language. we cant live without Smartphones. we need to know when we can use and why we need Smartphone in our daily life. Somepeople is addict to smartphone. we need to be aware what is the advantage we can uses from that, and what what is the disadvantages we can skipt from Smartphones. The advantages: Keep in touch easily, Your family and family are one message. if you have an emergency then you can text someone and ask for help. You can travel the globe and still connect with your family using smartphones. The smartphone help to close the distance among people. The disadvantages: Privacy endangered, if your phone is stolen then information will no longer be private. Distraction,you can be easily distracted with a smartphone. You have to be careful because accidents can occur.If you are driving then put your phone away.
Good Friend, what do you think when I say good friend? What do you think about to have a good friend in your life. It is important for you! It is all friend is good! From my view we dont have good friend like before I mean when I saw my parents was talking about their memories with their friends i feel bad you why? Because we dont have kind of these people in our life today. Now our good friends our devices. we dont have time to make good friends. we always hurry ,we dont need to take time to choose the right person to be your friend.My advice from you today take breath and choose the good friend for you to be as a supporter to you. Choose carefully you will feel better and you will fiend good friend forever.
cancer is one of the most important non-infectious or non-communicable diseases Cancer is referred to as an ailment characterised by an unrestrained growth of abnormal cells which if untreated and unchecked eventually kills the patient. Let me talk more about how the cancer is dangerous! In the United States accounting for 22 percent of all deaths in this country. cancer can develop from genetic defect. A single gene in a single chromosome that gets passed on from generation to generation. This disease can be treated and cured, but sometimes people may get it back again. Stomack and breast cancers are some of cancers that can result from a genetic defect. On the other hand the lung cancer cases are causes for the 80 percent cigarette smoking and is a major risk factor for many others cancers as well.
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Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…